Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sprint Corporate Discounts

Fun Fact of the Day: Nextel Communications only gets a 5% discount thru Sprint.

Sprint Corporate Discounts

This is a great tool for any sales rep, It enables you to find out just how much, if any of a discount you’re customer is eligible to receive.

I have put together a list of 180 different transportation companies, many of witch most IC reps deal with on a daily basis and whom get at least a 5% discount.

This list is in excel format.


Discounts cannot be applied to promotional monthly rates

For example the $59.99 Unlimited Data Connection Plan for Mobile Broadband Cards and USB Modems

Or the $39.99 Unlimited Data for Phone as Modem Plan.

Other things to watch out for.

If the corporate discount is not added the day of activation adding it later could change the customers billing period, This isn’t such a big deal is long as your customer doesn’t have a spending limit. But when a customer dose have a spending limit changing the billing period could reek havoc, due to the prorated charges. Encountered from adding a corporate discount in the middle of a billing period.
I have also put together a cheat sheet for discount prices on the Power Pack plans. With 5% discount increments

Writen By: Tristan McGowan

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