Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Windows Vista & AirCards

Most new laptops are now shipping with Windows Vista. I have heard of truckers looking high and low for XP computers, and not finding them. So, like it or not, the latest evil Microsoft product is something we are just going to have to get used to dealing with more and more. Why evil? Windows Vista has the ability to "turn off" anything it pleases, and it pleases Windows Vista to turn off products from manufacturers that have not paid Microsoft a hefty licensing fee... This includes many of our AirCards.

For now, the safe bet is to sell the U720 or S720 to those customers. It is the easiest one to deal with as far install with Vista goes. Also, if they scoff at the higher price, point out that when they get spoiled having SUPER fast internet in the truck, they don't have to go without at home. They just plug it into their desktop, or anyother computer (including a Mac), sit back, and relax.

Here is Sierra's list of Vista supported AirCards:

Windows Vista Support Available
AirCard 595, AirCard 850, AirCard 860, AirCard 875
Windows Vista Support Planned
AirCard 580/PC5220, AirCard 775
No Windows Vista Support Planned AirCard 550, AirCard 555, PC 3300, AirCard 710, AirCard 750, and all other legacy AirCard PC Card modems.

It will also work with the Pantech PX500. Here is how:

The Pantech PX-500 card works flawlessly with Vista (Build 5600). Needs to first be activated under XP.

Install the Sprint software in Vista - this may hang during or towards the end of installation. If it hangs, cancel or reboot. The drivers are loaded which is what you're looking for. A Pantech dial up connection will be created in Network Connections or you will need to manually create a dial up connection using the Pantech card as the modem.

When I get a chance to research more, I will add more info on AirCards and Vista.

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