Friday, February 09, 2007

New York, Bloomberg and the Cell Phone

The Institute for the Future quotes Mayor Bloomberg's plan to allow 911 and other city services to accept video and pictures taken and sent via cell phone:

This year, we'll begin a revolutionary innovation in crime-fighting: Equipping "911" call centers to receive digital images and videos New Yorkers send from cell phones and computers something no other city in the world is doing.

If you see a crime in progress or a dangerous building condition you'll be able to transmit images to 911, or online to NYC.GOV. And we'll start extending the same technology to 311 to allow New Yorkers to step forward and document non-emergency quality of life concerns holding City agencies accountable for correcting them quickly and efficiently.

So, next time you are being mugged the Big Apple, don't forget to strike a pose.

  • NYC Launches Mass "Sousveillance"

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